Hans Craen joins refrigerant supplier in key role

He will represent A-Gas, which claims to be ‘a world-leader’ in the supply and lifecycle management of refrigerants and associated products and services, in its liaison with trade associations, and work with decision-makers in the EU, and at a national level in the UK. Based in Brussels, he has been employed in public affairs for … Read more

Remote health monitoring option for Scottish patients

The pathways – which include blood pressure monitoring and chronic pain management –are part of Connect Me, the remote monitoring programme for NHS Scotland. The NHS developed them using Inhealthcare’s award-winning digital health platform. To date, nearly 12,000 people have used earlier iterations of the pathways to support conditions including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, … Read more

Improving the transfer of critically ill patients

Engineering design and manufacturing company, Illustrious Healthcare Solutions, explains that the mobile frame attaches to a bed to support life-saving medical devices such as monitors, ventilators, O2 cylinders ,and accessories. These devices are mounted to the vertical aspect of the CCTS for visibility during patient transfer. The CCTS also safely transports cylinder holders, suction units, … Read more