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PPL Training Ltd
Company bio
PPL Training is an industry-leading UK and International provider of Safe Systems of Work, Technical, Legionella and Compliance training. Combined, we have an extensive portfolio of over 80 City & Guilds accredited courses.
Since 2011, we have been delivering courses to over 100 NHS trusts and a wide range of public sector industries, private businesses, institutions and the healthcare estates. These courses are specifically designed to meet the key competency requirements of Health Technical Memorandums.
Our team is composed of highly-experienced Authorising Engineers, Authorised, Competent and Responsible Persons, allowing us to develop in-house courses that are tailor-made for those working with Electrical High and Low Voltage, Mechanical & Pressure and Ventilation systems.
Additional Offerings
We also deliver thorough Confined Space, Petroleum, Mechanical & Electrical Conversion and Legionella control and prevention courses. These are widely accredited by City & Guilds and can also be delivered on a bespoke basis. Further to this we offer City & Guilds-qualified courses, including: 18th Edition Wiring Regulations, Inspection and Testing, Portable Appliance Testing and F-Gas. We operate training from our well-established, ideally situated training centres in York and Slough.
PPL Engineering Services
In addition to training, we also offer comprehensive engineering services on a consultancy basis. Our team of Authorising Engineers act as independent and professional adviser to an organisation and can assure that your company operates in compliance with Safe Systems of Work, as well as Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Health Technical Memoranda (HTM) or Joint Service Publication (JSP) guidance.
Key services
Secondary 2: Medical Gas Training
Promotional documents
Available work experience opportunities
Current vacancies

Company Address
PPL House
Opus Avenue
York Business Park
YO26 6BL
Sales contact
Name: David Lewis
Telephone: 07485313666