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S I Sealy & Associates Ltd
Company bio
S I Sealy is a building services engineering design consultancy with over 75 years of experience in healthcare engineering and an approved consultant on the NHS SBS HPCCAS framework
We have a proven track record of delivering Low and Net Zero Carbon, energy-efficient, and resilient designs for all healthcare buildings minimising environmental impact whilst promoting comfort & health. We deliver new builds, refurbishments and engineering schemes using both traditional & Modern Methods of Construction.
Our sustainability division, www.netzerouk.com, offers HDPs (Heat Decarbonisation Plans), daylight assessments, thermal comfort modelling, building regulation compliance, strategic decarbonisation road maps and NHS Net Zero Carbon Coordinator services, supporting clients towards net zero.
We have a deep understanding of HTMs and HBNs allowing us to deliver facilities that are compliant and affordable in capital and maintenance costs whilst ensuring our designs have flexibility built-in to adapt to future changes in compliance and patient care.
Key services
Secondary 2: Digital Engineering & 3D Surveys
Promotional documents
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Company Address
Inwood Court, Stuart Road, Bradbury, Stockport
Sales contact
Name: Daniel Madden
Telephone: 0161 430 2044