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SSG (Static Systems Group Ltd)
Company bio
ABOUT US | Connecting caregivers, patients and systems through smart communication technologies
At SSG we believe that human interaction is an essential part of the caregiving process, and that good technology should enable caregivers to be free from unnecessary distractions, so they can focus on giving their patients the care they need, when they need it.
That’s why, for almost 60 years, we have been developing smart solutions and technologies that connect people and systems to provide safer, healthier environments for both staff and patients in the acute care setting.
TECHNOLOGY | How do we do what we do
From our first electronic nurse ‘call bell’ system launched in 1964, which enabled patients in hospital to call for help, we have continued to explore ways that technology can work for our customers. Whether that is providing essential critical alarms, integrated communication systems or software solutions to enhance clinical workflow, our focus is on keeping patients safe, providing a calming environment, and giving our customers more time to care.
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Company Address
Heath Mill Road
Sales contact
Name: Peter Ball
Telephone: 01902 891 044