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C&B Systems
Company bio
C&B Systems
(Mediserve) Hospital Pre-plumbed Assemblies C&B Systems design, assist with design, manufacture and install pre-plumbed Mediserve sanitary assemblies. The designs meet and exceed current legislation and guidance notes for hospitals; HBNs, HGNs, HTMs and the Scotland and Wales versions. WRAS approved products. Mediserve sanitary assemblies are installed in many UK hospitals, both large and small.
Why C&B Systems?
C&B Systems also consider price, quality and we are contracted for our technical, product and HTM / WRAS knowledge and our track record. The assemblies aim to minimise risk while maximising benefit. Most important is the safe delivery of water given varying pressures and flow
rates and without contamination. By understanding hospital requirements, such as the water source and its quality, the type of pipework and appliances used to deliver the water, C&B Systems Mediserve assemblies provide a high-quality product for patients and hospital staff, incorporating maintenance and the effect of flushing fluids, cleaners and soaps on metals/plastic. Consideration of abuse and misuse are also taken into account.
New Products & Materials
C&B Systems continue to improve ‘Pre-plumbed assemblies’ (Mediserve) and the materials used within them. The client’s acceptance of new ideas is difficult to achieve, as the comfort zone of previous use within hospitals is a dominant influence. There are many non-science based manufacturers’ solutions to problems of bugs and biofilm. These seem to have been created as a quick fix to the questionable conclusions of HTM 04-01 (A, B & C and the supplement). Working with Contractors, Trusts, components suppliers, facility managers, infectious controls and manual handling on the assemblies, has enabled C&B Systems to continue to bring innovations. C&B Systems can improve design for varying sanitary assemblies, ADL rooms, mortuary, endoscope, birthing pool, foot wash, or the basic en suite/ward arrangement. Facility Management – C&B Systems replace, supply and install sanitary ware and panel sets to keep a hospital up to date with HBN changes or upgrades.
Pre-plumbed Mediserve Products
Material choices for the products
C&B Systems have developed the solutions to the regular questions that arise. Tested Assemblies – Anyone can choose a tap, basin, waste pipe, thermostat and put them on a panel set. C&B Systems specialise in understanding water pressure, flow rates and products to ensure water is delivered safely and within the standards/guidelines. C&B Systems also ensure the water exits correctly and that all assemblies are weight tested. Pipework – Copper, Plastic or Stainless? Trace heating, insulation or neither? – Is the water hard or soft, brown-field, green-field, grey or borehole? This can affect the pipe type. Taps – Electronic or Manual, cool touch or scald – Bugs can breed differently in different products. Are you sure you have the correctly researched tap? Are you about to purchase a non-proven fashion piece or gadget that could increase your risk? (Currently, snap-on spouts which can be used as a weapon, sold as scrap or screw-in holes at tap outlets). Is the tap co-ordinated with the basin, sink or trough and will the water funnel or splash? Can you actually get your elbows behind the lever, or does the lever go back to the panel? Should the TMV3 valve be integrated or external? Has the chosen component assembly been tested? Pottery Products – How much glaze has been applied and at what temperature? Is the surface flat or full of potholes? Does the water run smoothly away? What about the ‘toilet sneeze?’ or cracking seats? Stainless Products – What grade is being used and what is the finish? Has the surface been ground flat? What is the surface like at the bends? How many homes for bugs have been made? Weights etc. – Will the total assembly take the prescribed downward loads and how do we integrate with the grab rails and group 2 equipment?
Key services
Secondary 2: Hi-lo sinks
Available work experience opportunities
Current vacancies

Company Address
Water Solutions Centre
25 Church Road
Middlesex TW11 8PF
Sales contact
Name: Nick Heath
Telephone: 07812647794