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Saint-Gobain Ecophon
Company bio
Ecophon is a global supplier of sound absorbent ceiling and wall panel systems that contribute to good room acoustics and support a healthy indoor environment.
Research has shown a good acoustic environment in hospitals aids care and recovery; with positive impacts on both staff and patients. With a focus on healthcare the Ecophon Hygiene range of products offers the highest levels of sound absorption solutions whilst meeting cleaning and infection control requirements.
Key services
Secondary 2: Noise control
Ecophon provide short knowledge based presentations on the impact of material choice on the users of your healthcare space. These demonstrate how good choices can aid both patients and staff whilst poor choices can have an unintended negative effect. Sessions can be used as part of your continuous professional development.
Delivery is available online or in person and the acoustics design of hospitals module available for access in your own time. The presentations last between 30 and 45 minutes plus questions and are often delivered over a lunchtime.
Subjects are:
Designing for dementia and care of older people
Acoustic design of hospitals
Suspended ceilings in hospitals – more than aesthetics
The impact of noise on mental health
Lunch and Learn, Acoustics in hospitals
Lunch and Learn, Suspended ceilings
2021 Lunch and Learn, Designing for dementia and care of older people
Noise as a health issue dementia and ageing
Acoustic requirements for Healthcare
Promotional documents
Available work experience opportunities
Current vacancies

Company Address
Old Brick Kiln
RG26 5PP
Sales contact
Name: Andrea Harman
Telephone: 07771 565 382