Course Code : VVH
This 3 day City & Guilds accredited course has been developed to provide delegates with the necessary understanding of commissioning, validation and verification of ventilation systems in the healthcare environment required by HTM 03-01 and its associated documents. It will give guidance on the physical inspection and measurement of actual performance the systems and the production and understanding of verification reports.
Who is the course aimed at?
This course has been designed for those contracted to undertake the inspection and measurement of critical systems performance in accordance with the requirements of HTM 03-01.
The course would also benefit healthcare (operations and projects) managers, Authorising Engineer ventilation (AE(V), Authorised Person(s) Ventilation AP(V), those who are required to serve on the multidisciplinary Ventilation safety group (VSG) and technical staff. Those attending the course would find it helpful to have an appreciation of the ventilation strategies encountered on the health estates and the verification procedures outlined in HTM 03-01 for these systems.
Key Learning Areas
- The Commissioning & Validation Process
- Annual Verification and Performance Testing;
- The Measurement of All System Supply and Extract Air-flow Rates
- The Calculation of Room Air-change Rates If Applicable
- The Measurement of Room Differential Pressures If Applicable
- The Measurement of Room Noise Levels
- Temperature, Humidity and Any Application-Specific Air Velocity Measurements
- A check of the Control Functions
Slough, York
Course Length
This course is run over 3 days.