Whilst the rollout of the UK COVID-19 vaccination programme is a positive step forward, there is a need to carefully balance this against scientific information on such matters as the effect of the vaccine on infection rates, as well as the potential for further waves of infection later in the year.
The point at which things can totally return to normal is still some way away and will depend on several factors including future national guidelines and personal and corporate responsibility for health and safety.
In addition, the UK Government Event Research Programme will provide welcome clarity for the way that business events can be delivered. More will be known when that programme is completed and results published in May.
However, with due consideration to the ongoing and developing health situation, it is becoming increasingly evident that Healthcare Estates cannot take place exactly as it has done in the past. That is why IHEEM and STEP Exhibitions are working together to explore various formats and options to ensure that any decision made about this year’s event is the right one for the healthcare sector and can be delivered without compromising on safety and compliance whilst still being enjoyable to attend.
Feedback is Invited from all Attendees at Healthcare Estates
In this respect, the feedback of exhibitors and attendees can be a valuable part in helping IHEEM and Step Exhibitions to make informed decisions about Healthcare Estates by taking into account preferences of those people who are important to its success.
It would be appreciated if exhibitors and attendees could take a few moments to complete our survey. Please click the relevant link below to offer your input.
Healthcare Estates Attendee Survey
Healthcare Estates Exhibitor Survey
Further details will be issued once a full evaluation of options has been completed. In the meantime, everyone can keep up to date by visiting the IHEEM and Healthcare Estates websites for the latest developments.
You have until Friday 14th May 2021 to complete the survey.