The purpose of the day is to highlight the importance to all those who are professionally responsible for disciplines including Water, Electrical, Medical Gas, Ventilation and Decontamination, as well as for all registered AE’s present and future, Regulators and Governance bodies to highlight the importance of the role of an IHEEM Authorising Engineer and the importance of the disciplines to the healthcare infrastructure.
NB: The IHEEM Annual Authorising Engineer Conference has been postponed until March 2022, and we expect there to be a number of in the coming months so please keep an eye out for these.
Session 1: 9:30-11:00 – The Institute’s role in supporting IHEEM Registered Authorising Engineers: Click here to register for this event
Session 2: 12:00-13:30 – The benefits of being an IHEEM Registered Authorising Engineer: Click here to register for this event
Session 3: 14:00 – 15:00 – The importance of AEs from the clients perspective: Click here to register for this event
Session 4: 16:00 – 17:00 – A panel discussion regarding AE’s professional contribution to support patient safety and the legal responsibility of the NHS critical infrastructure: Click here to register for this event
More details will be made available shortly.