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AC Automation (UK) Ltd
Company bio
A passion for excellence that has made AC Automation (UK) Ltd, one of the UK’s leading DSU and Power Generation Specialists. Established since 1990 and ISO approved, AC Automation (UK) Ltd has gained an enviable reputation for design-led approach providing a high quality service in many markets on a local, national and international scale. AC Automation’s power solutions supply emergency back-up power to hospitals, retail, commercial, hotels, and government establishments. Their award winning SCADA software and control systems has allowed customers to experience higher visibility of their critical infrastructure, allowing decisions to be made in real time, 24 hours a day.
Key services
Secondary 2: Demand Side Unit
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Company Address
5 Sloefield Park, Carrickfergus, BT38 8GR
Sales contact
Name: David Callaghan
Telephone: 028 9336 4779