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Company bio
6RG is a premier M&E Clerk of Works team dedicated to ensuring the highest standards in construction and fit-out projects. We pride ourselves on client-centric independence and our expertise in understanding and extracting key information from technical documents, which informs our project inspections. Guided by our core values—health & safety, teamwork, responsibility, quality, communication, and environmental stewardship—we deliver meticulous project oversight through our three-step method: Review, Inspect, and Report.
We act as on-site eyes and ears for our clients, bridging the gap between building stakeholders, designers and construction teams. We excel in explaining complex technical details in clear, jargon-free language, ensuring quality standards, health and well-being and environmental values are met.
Our mission is to continue providing unparalleled client attention and fostering positive progress in every project.
Key services
Secondary 2: Snagging & De-Snagging
Our new learning hub allows us to provide learning material. We will have the option for gated content so if you have anything you only want our members to see please let us know, if not it will go on the website for everyone to access.
– Video: What is a Clerk of Works?
Promotional documents
Available work experience opportunities
Current vacancies

Company Address
156 Ardanlee Culmore, Derry, Northern Ireland, BT48 8RT
Sales contact
Name: Vincent McMonagle
Telephone: +44(0)7484602724