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Immerse Training
Company bio
Immerse Training specialises in high quality Legionella and water hygiene training delivered at your site by leading industry experts. This allows you convenience and flexibility to manage your training needs.
Our training is delivered to you by our internationally renowned specialists who are also highly experienced and knowledgeable trainers – all IHEEM registered Authorising Engineers (AE) currently operating in healthcare.
All our courses are City & Guilds accredited and are designed to help you improve and maintain your healthcare water systems safely, to fulfil all your legal responsibilities. We have eleven courses covering all aspects of water hygiene in buildings.
We also offer bespoke courses and a full consultancy service developed to help you fulfil your commitment to water hygiene management.
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Company Address
Cockers Farm House,
Long Lane,
Sales contact
Name: Sue Dilworth
Telephone: 01257 233307