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Centrica Business Solutions
Company bio
Centrica Business Solutions helps the NHS and healthcare estates teams to decarbonise and turn net zero goals into action.
Balance economic and environmental goals
With 35-years’ experience as delivery partners to healthcare estates, we’ll support you along the best energy pathway that’s both environmentally and economically viable.
We have vast experience designing, building, funding, operating and maintaining multi asset, large and complex estate-wide projects – completing more than 150 such integrated energy infrastructure schemes.
Improve efficiency and reduce costs
Waste less; pay less! We help estates and engineering teams to replace or re-engineer ageing and inefficient energy infrastructure – releasing funds for patient care. Our full range of energy technologies, services and funding enable you to drive cost & operational efficiency; improve sustainability and secure resilience. We can also help you to unlock new revenue from your energy-consuming and energy-generating assets.
Secure your reliable energy supply 24/7
We’ll help you develop a robust, resilient and compliant energy strategy to manage risk and keep your organisation running 24/7. You’ll reduce exposure to grid failures whilst ensuring effective management of energy estates to protect patient care.
Fast forward to a low-carbon future
We can help you to develop low-carbon energy strategies, reduce your carbon emissions, and make the switch to renewables. Our solutions are underpinned by flexible funding to support you in achieving your net zero targets at a time when budgets are severely strained.
See how we’re helping Manchester NHS to cut carbon emissions by 25%
Our energy saving solutions include:
- On-site power generation, such as hydrogen-ready combined heat and power (CHP) and solar PV
- Heat pumps
- Battery storage and emergency power
- Building fabric upgrades, e.g window replacements/ roof & wall insulation.
- Demand Side Response and supply optimisation
- Energy efficiency and advanced energy data insights
- Renewable energy purchasing, including renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) via our British Gas division
We’ve recently published a new research report for the NHS : Click here to download your report to find out how the NHS can find a cost-effective path net zero
Procurement, delivery and funding
We’re approved suppliers to numerous public sector frameworks and can assist in suggesting potential suitable procurement routes to market for you. We have a proven track record for fast and efficient delivery of approved projects within tight deadlines.
We provide additional finance options to fund integrated energy saving projects as a coordinated package – often with guaranteed savings.
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Key services
Secondary 2: Energy estate and infrastructure upgrades
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Company Address
Centrica PLC, Millstream East, Maidenhead Road, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 5GD
Sales contact
Name: Phil Bryant
Telephone: +44 (0) 7789 571 685