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Courtney Thorne
Company bio
Courtney Thorne is one of the UK’s leading manufacturer and installer of wired and wire free Nurse Call and Staff Safety Systems. Designed and built to meet HTM08-03 guidelines for NHS Hospital applications.
Courtney Thorne can provide a full consultancy service and help design the most appropriate solution for the environment. Including Cat 1 Radio for locations where cables are impractical to install, a Staff Attack solution built-in to the Nurse Call System, and of course all with full adherence to HTM08-03
Courtney Thorne’s smart nurse call systems support forward-thinking NHS Trusts and private hospitals throughout the UK and globally via our dealer network with our industry-leading solutions, tailored to suit acute healthcare environments.
Connect Health is the responsive, reliable and cost-effective nurse call systems nurse call system specifically designed for hospitals that delivers on the robust requirements of an acute ward. Courtney Thorne systems are completely adaptable throughout their lifetime and with a fully open protocol can easily be reconfigured, relocated and repurposed time and time again.
Key services
Secondary 2: Staff attack
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Company Address
CT Centre, Elliot Road, Bournemouth, BH11 8JS
Sales contact
Name: Courtney Thorne
Telephone: 01202573300