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Eastwood Park Training
Company bio
Eastwood Park Training is a leading training provider for healthcare engineering and estates and facilities management in the UK and across the world. With over 55 years of training experience, we offer an extensive portfolio of healthcare and commercial courses, which are accredited by internationally recognised awarding bodies.
Our combination of expert trainers and specialist hands-on facilities gives our learners the chance to put their training into practice within a live, yet safe environment. Our courses can be delivered at our state-of-the-art training facility, at your site, or selected courses are now available at our new EWP training locations across the UK or via our interactive e-learning platform.
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Available work experience opportunities
Eastwood Park delivers 3 unique healthcare engineering degrees, developed to reflect the needs of the healthcare sector and open to those working within healthcare engineering disciplines or estates & FM disciplines. These are in partnership with Staffordshire University.
Eastwood Park is also on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP) as a supporting training provider.
This means that if you are a main or employer apprenticeship provider, you can utilise Eastwood Park for engineering and estates training that relates to the specific context of your apprentice’s role.
Apprentices must spend at least 20% of their time completing off-the-job training; we can work with you to enhance your apprenticeship schemes with specialist and practical technical support training in the disciplines pertinent to both healthcare decontamination, medical equipment technologies and estates engineering training.
This can be delivered at our residential centre in Gloucestershire, or at a time and place to su
Current vacancies

Company Address
GL12 8DA
Sales contact
Name: Krissy Devall
Telephone: +44 (0)1454 262775