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Company bio
We are the world leaders in chemical free water treatment for closed loop systems, which provides an inhibitor and biocide free treatment for both new and existing systems.
We use electrochemistry to treat the causal elements of corrosion in closed loop heating and cooling systems which are dissolved oxygen, pH level & conductivity, effectively turning the system water to a non-corrosive state and a hostile environment for bacteria to thrive and survive.
Chemical-free water treatment offers significant benefits compared to traditional chemical-based approaches such as reliability, sustainability, reduced OPEX, and efficiency.
Our technology comes from northern Europe where chemical-free is the norm. The German Association of Building Engineers produced Europe’s most stringent water quality standards, VDI 2035, removing the need for chemical additives, from pre-commissioning cleaning and flushing of new systems to cleaning through and then maintaining existing networks.
Our products include:
– PROTECTOR® Reaction Tank for the closed loop. Within the PROTECTOR® are sacrificial magnesium anodes which will scavenge and consume the ‘dissolved oxygen’ before any iron, copper, steel or aluminium within the closed loop system.
As the anode sacrifices itself the chemical reaction produces magnesium hydroxide which naturally increases the ‘pH level’. Its other functions are side stream filtration from 40µm to 1µm, magnetite capture, dirt separator via blow down drain and cyclone air separator via AAV.
– PROFILL® demineralisation of raw water. This is positioned on the cold water inlet before the pressurisation unit and will treat the raw water makeup of the closed loop system, which can occur from routine maintenance, leaks, remedial works and pressurisation unit failures. This ensures that any fill water is at a no or low level of conductivity as well as helping to control pH.
Key services
Secondary 2: Bacteria control.
IWTM UK Ltd provides a CIBSE approved CPD on Chemical-free Water Treatment For Closed Loop Heating and Cooling Networks.
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Company Address
Sutton Business Centre, Restmor Way, Wallington SM6 7AH
Sales contact
Name: Peter Linehan
Telephone: 07795 421 954