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McCaig Collim
Company bio
McCaig Collim is an independent distributor of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Insulation products to the Hvac, Health Estates, Education, and Manufacturing sectors.
Suppliers: Pipe, Valve, Fittings
Hitachi’s range of products
Plate Heat Exchanger package units
GRP cold water storage tanks, sectional, one-piece
Filter Pot Side Stream Filtration
Ventilation fans, spiral, and fittings
Foil back Insulation
Armacell Insulation
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Key services
Primary: Pipe, Valves, Fittings
Secondary 2: Ventilation stockists
Secondary 1: Insulation Stockists
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Company Address
92-94 Dargan Cresent, Belfast, BT3 9JP
+44 2890777788
Sales contact
Name: Scott Boyd
Telephone: 02890777788