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Mott MacDonald
Company bio
Modern, intuitive healthcare infrastructure that serves the needs of its communities is critical for a healthy and happy society. We are currently working with over 40 individual NHS Trusts and Boards across the country, and at a national level to make this happen.
Our 200-plus healthcare experts in the UK are trained to operate in the health sector with the right skills to meet our clients’ needs across a wide range of disciplines. Our approach to healthcare is client and end-user centric. We have a detailed understanding of NHS strategy and policy, which helps us to consistently deliver projects that meet your complex needs. We also design with the end-user in mind, making sure the spaces we deliver are practical, fit-for-purpose and user friendly. Together, these skills lead to successful project delivery.
Why Mott MacDonald?
- We are key advisors to the NHS for their New Hospital Programme.
- We actively engaged with the drive for improving local quality of life and growth for the areas in which we work.
- Our role is to not only respond to challenges in creating a cutting-edge design but demonstrate leadership against this backdrop of change.
As healthcare evolves, new specialist advisory services are needed. Our breadth and depth of experience will help your teams to plan, develop, and optimise healthcare assets:
Supporting your journey – Developing new assets
We’ll harness our considerable experience and knowledge to bring value throughout the new asset planning development and delivery journey, our qualified experts supporting your teams every step of the way.
Transforming your assets and services
The NHS must continually evolve and transform its existing asset base in line with new clinical practices and to meet ongoing challenges. We’ll provide your teams with the capacity, expertise, and a range of solutions to do just that, our experience of operating successful projects in NHS environments giving you confidence.
Optimising your assets and services
The NHS also needs to continuously improve and optimise its support service delivery, whether that be direct or partner-based. We’ll support your partnership improvement agenda in both PFI and non-PFI environments, working with your stakeholders to deliver progress and unlock transformation opportunities.
Key services
Promotional documents
Available work experience opportunities
Please see Mott MacDonald website for jobs and apprenticeship opportunities here https://www.mottmac.com/careers/search
Current vacancies

Company Address
Floor 3
1 Whitehall Riverside
West Yorkshire
Sales contact
Name: Alison Ryan
Telephone: 07842 326951