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Services Design Associates Ltd
Company bio
Services Design Associates (SDA) are an established Building Services Design Consultancy. Established in 1988, SDA have provided design expertise to the healthcare sector for over 30 years.
We have designed and overseen over 900 NHS projects, ranging from minor refurbishments to major new build developments housing state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment facilities. Recent projects include MRI suites, linear accelerators, CT scanners, operating theatres, and high secure mental health facilities.
Our experience covers primary, secondary and tertiary care sectors, including residential care homes, health centres and surgeries, laboratories and support facilities, specialist treatment units, dedicated surgical units and high and medium secure mental health facilities.
We are familiar with the wide array of Department of Health guidelines including HTM’s, HBN’s, Firecode and Encode. We apply these standards on a regular basis and stay abreast of changing initiatives within the healthcare sector.
We provide services directly to both NHS Trusts and private establishments as well as to contractors under Procure 21+P22 and other design and build procurement procedures.
SDA employ experienced engineers with an excellent knowledge of the needs of NHS Clients. Many have specialist experience including design of anti-ligature installations, specialist ventilation installations, AV and specialist electronic systems, CT and MRI installation knowledge and are well versed in the needs of refurbishment projects incorporating complex mechanical and electrical systems.
A wide range of our healthcare projects can be viewed at www.sda.co.uk
Current vacancies
Please see www.sda.co.uk for all vacancies
Key services
Secondary 2: Low Carbon Consultant
Promotional documents
Available work experience opportunities
SDA believe that the sustainability of the company is heavily dependent upon the skill level of the resource available to it, and this means that SDA has to play a part in upskilling the wider community accordingly.
We are committed to providing employment opportunities and work experiences to young people, to enhance their career prospects and to increase their employability, and also to providing continuing professional development to our more experienced staff. Over 50% of engineering staff have undertaken further formal qualifications (eg. Degree, MSc, HND etc) and/or apprenticeship training.
We currently have an apprentice undertaking education and on the job training.
For those younger people still at school who want to experience work in a consulting engineering practice we offer work placements for one to two weeks at a time. During 2022,2 work experience placements were undertaken.
Current vacancies

Company Address
Unit 1, Acres Hill Business Park
Acres Hill Lane
S9 4LR
Sales contact
Name: Matt Smith – Director
Telephone: 0114 244 7555