Steam is the backbone of many essential healthcare processes – from sterilisation and humidification to heating and hot water provision. However, inefficient steam systems can lead to unnecessary energy waste, increased carbon emissions, and rising operational expenses. By implementing targeted efficiency measures, NHS estates can significantly reduce their environmental impact while improving system reliability
Our Advance Consulting Programme is designed to help healthcare estates identify opportunities for efficiency improvements. Through detailed steam system audits, advanced monitoring, and tailored recommendations, we work closely with NHS Trusts to create a clear and actionable sustainability roadmap. Whether it’s upgrading to high-efficiency steam traps, recovering waste heat, or implementing digital monitoring solutions, our expertise ensures that every intervention delivers measurable energy savings.
We understand that in healthcare, sustainability must go hand in hand with reliability and compliance. Our solutions not only reduce carbon footprints, but also ensure that steam systems remain safe, resilient, and costeffective – supporting the NHS in delivering high-quality patient care without disruption. Achieving sustainability is not a one-time initiative – it’s a long-term commitment. Spirax Sarco is here to support the NHS every step of the way, providing expertise, innovative solutions, and continuous improvement strategies. By working together, we can help build a greener, more efficient, and future-ready healthcare sector.
Spirax Sarco Ltd
Charlton House
GL53 8ER
T: 01242 521361