Health Facility Briefing System June 2025
The Health Facility Briefing System is a professional tool for the rapid creation of detailed briefing and scoping material and the production of schedules and specifications. This system is an essential toolkit for specialist Healthcare Planners, Healthcare Designers, Project Managers and Operators.
HFBS (Health Facility Briefing System) is the essential toolkit for Healthcare Estate Management Professionals, including Specialist Health Planners, Designers, Capital Project Leaders & Managers. IHEEM members can join this 2-day course to learn how the tool works, as well as receive a 1-year subscription to the software. Registered users can access comprehensive standards for Health Design and obtain ready-made, editable “Standard Components” including briefs, room data sheets and layout sheets. Users can assemble detailed briefs, specifications and schedules on the web without any software, within a secure environment. Once a project is completed, it is regarded as an “Asset” or “Property”. Property information from the site, building and department to rooms, finishes, furniture, fittings, fixtures and equipment as well as services are recorded and saved in the system for ongoing management, auditing and benchmarking. Users can save their work directly to the web and print database-driven richly formatted reports for a project or asset-specific use. HFBS is a world-wide system customised for use in each Domain, being a Country, State or Region. HFBS is available for private as well as public health projects and assets. At Government level, a Domain Administrator can use the HFBS for high level benchmarking, planning and asset tracking purposes. Furthermore, the mapping module of the HFBS tracks all Healthcare Properties visually over a map of the world with direct links to each facilities data. A range of Power Tools built into the HFBS allow tasks that would normally take months or even years to accomplish to be carried out in days or minutes. This includes the creation of comprehensive; standards-based Schedules of Accommodation and matching Room Data Sheets. The HFBS is a powerful tool for Rapid Project Definition and Procurement, typically reducing the upfront cost of packaging a project for tender by 20% and shortening the delivery time by more than half.
Briefing Module Course Prices
IHEEM Members: £495+VAT (includes annual license and training) IHEEM Non-Members: £795+VAT (includes annual license and training)
(*Please note ALL PRICES ABOVE EXCLUDE VAT. Please also note that this course will be invoiced in British pounds).
Session 1 | Time UK | |
4-6-2025 | 14:00pm-17:.00pm | |
5-6-2025 | 14:00pm-17:00pm | |
Download the booking form and email it to to confirm your place.
If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch with IHEEM Head Office, either email or call 02392 823 186.

- Jun 04 - 05 2025
- All Day
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