The Joint Associations Group1 representing the majority of estates and facilities services within healthcare across the UK is thrilled to announce the launch of the second annual National Healthcare Estates & Facilities Day.

On the third Wednesday in June – which this year falls on June 21 – this awareness day will once again showcase and recognise the essential work done by all E&F professions in the delivery of health and social care to people across all four nations of the UK.
The inaugural event last year was a huge success. There were 538 registrations from healthcare organisations, contractors and social care teams keen to participate in the day, giving an amazing reach of over 250,000 staff. Activities2 were shared on social media throughout the day as Trusts and Health Boards celebrated the wide variety of skills and knowledge within E&F teams – from porters to cleaners, reception staff to caterers, project teams to security and more – who keep healthcare buildings operational, day-in day-out, and able to provide the very best patient care.
The 2023 National Healthcare Estates & Facilities Day will build on the success of last year’s event. It is the perfect occasion for every NHS, social care and independent healthcare organisation to celebrate the work of their E&F professions, raise the profile of these staff groups for the hugely rewarding career opportunities that they offer, and reflect on the achievements and sacrifices made by people in these roles on a daily basis.
To help organisations to plan activities for the day, a download kit will be made available via the website. Please register at
There is also a new promotional video:
1 Members of the Joint Associations Group are:
Association of Healthcare Cleaning Professionals (ahcp)
Health Estates & Facilities Management Association (HEFMA)
Hospital Caterers Association (HCA)
Institute of Decontamination Sciences (IDSC)
Institute of Healthcare Engineering & Estate Management (IHEEM)
National Association of Healthcare Fire Officers (NAHFO)
Society of Hospital Linen Service and Laundry Managers (SHLSLM)
2 Activities last year included:
• Personal messages of thanks from Trust CEOs and Chairs to their E&F workforce
• Sharing infographics and posters to highlight the many ways E&F staff keep healthcare services running smoothly and safely
• Spotlights on individual team members sharing their career stories, what their roles involve and what they enjoy
• Sharing posters and other personal messages of thank you and appreciation
• Visits to E&F teams and individuals from CEOs, COOs and other senior managers to show their support and express their thanks
• Demonstrations and displays to explain the roles of E&F
• Delivering decorated cupcakes, thank you cards and badges
• Sharing photos of E&F teams and individuals in their work environments
• Schools visits
• Cinema shows
• Energy centre tours
• Staff team breakfasts
• Prize draws and competitions
• Sending senior management teams ‘back to the floor’ to work side-by-side with E&F staff
• Food tastings and service demonstrations
• Videos of E&F team members explaining their work
• Cooking and baking competitions
• Lighting up the outside of the hospital building
• Delivering baskets of fruit and sweets.
For more information about National Healthcare Estates & Facilities Day, please visit the website: