We are now in the final lead up to National Healthcare E&F Day 2023, with only a few days left before the big day on Wednesday 21st June.
We really want this year’s celebration of our E&F staff to be as big as possible and to ensure it reaches every staff member in our services across the UK. If you haven’t already registered your support and downloaded the resource packs on the official E&F Day website at www.healthcareEFMDay.org, we would be grateful if you could sign up so we know how far the campaign has reached. Please also ensure every part of your own section of the NHS and the wider healthcare industry know about this special day by passing this email to everyone you know in your professional network.
We look forward to hearing of celebrations of the fantastic work of our E&F colleagues across the UK on the 21st June and we thank you all for your help in ensuring your staff are recognised and celebrated this year.
Thank you!