Following recent stakeholder engagement and analysis of the current and potential future situation around the COVID-19 pandemic, IHEEM is now able to confirm that Healthcare Estates will go ahead in October 2021.
This year’s event will be based on a hybrid delivery model comprising a five day online only conference on October 18-22 alongside a two-day live and digital exhibition in Manchester Central on October 19-20. Although there will be no live IHEEM conference this year, online sessions will be streamed into Manchester for the duration of the exhibition.
Pete Sellars, CEO of IHEEM said “Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who responded to our recent survey. As expected, we received many wide and varied views but the overarching message is that IHEEM, together with STEP Exhibitions, need to offer delegates, speakers and exhibitors a range of options that allows everyone to make an informed, personal choice and enables them to have a comfortable and enjoyable experience this year.
A tremendous amount of work has therefore been undertaken to explore the options for our event this year. Our responsibility to protect and ensure the safety of all attendees is still our number one priority and we have remained mindful of the continued pressure on those who are still working tirelessly in the efm healthcare sector. Ultimately, we want to offer the opportunity for people to take part in the event in a way that suits their preferences and circumstances.”
Paul Fenton, President of IHEEM said “The recent announcement on the final stage of England’s roadmap out of the pandemic illustrates the ongoing uncertainty around large events and gatherings. However, we have listened carefully to all the feedback we have received and our decision to develop this unique format for Healthcare Estates allows everyone to choose how they want to engage with exhibitors and their peers and derive value from the event.”
Commenting on the announcement, Bob Kyte, Managing Director of STEP Exhibitions said: “We’re delighted to be able to offer members and regular attendees to Healthcare Estates the choice to come to the exhibition in person or to engage via the online options as well as having access to the comprehensive five day digital programme some of which will be streamed into Manchester Central. Both options give those working in the healthcare sector the opportunity to network and look at products and see everything that’s new as well as providing exhibitors with the best value on their investment.
Health and safety is a key focus and we are working closely with the team at Manchester Central, where the convention centre has been a Nightingale Hospital for the past year, to ensure that the live event will be delivered in line with all COVID-19 health and safety guidelines in place at that time.”
IHEEM are currently developing the online conference programme, further details of which will be published on both IHEEM and Healthcare Estates websites together with registration details. The team at STEP Exhibitions will also be contacting all exhibitors to discuss their options for the event.