Discipline: Electrical
Email: enquiries@hesfm.uk
Telephone: 07774 671753
Health Engineering Services FM Limited
205 Main Street
NG14 6LS
Website: www.hesfm.uk
Mark Richards BEng (Hons), CEng FIHEEM, MIET, CMaPS
Mark has in excess of 30 years’ experience in Local Government and Construction commencing his working career with the CEGB, moving into Local government and finally private practice.
Currently Director/Authorising Engineer for Health Engineering Services FM Ltd.
Providing AE Electrical services and Lift services.
Acting as an Independent Authorising Engineer to a number of Clients, in the Healthcare, Education, and Commercial sectors.
CDM consultant and Principal Designer, Mark is also a registered member of the Association of Project Safety.
Representing IHEEM on BS 7671 JPEL/64 Working Group.