Discipline: Decontamination
Email: richard_bancroft@steris.com
Telephone: 07774 625 485
Chancery House
Rayns Way
Watermead Business Park
Leicester LE7 1PF
Website: www.steris-healthcare.com
Richard Bancroft is the Science and Technical Director for STERIS. He has over 35 years’ experience in sterilization of medical devices and is an IHEEM Registered Authorising Engineer (Decontamination). He has a BSc Honours Degree in Applied Chemistry and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB). He has leadership positions in CEN and ISO standards committees, as convenor of ISO/TC 198 WG 6 and convenor of CEN/TC 102 WG 7, drafting CEN and ISO standards for over 30 years. He is chair of BSI’s standards committee, CH/198, and serves as ISO Technical Committee (TC) chair of ISO/TC 198 (Sterilization of health care products).