Discipline: Electrical
Email: richard.emery@stfc.ac.uk
Telephone: 07935 010896
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
Harwell Campus,
OX11 0QX
Website: https://www.kbr.com/en-au
Richard Emery is an accredited Incorporated Engineer with 36 years’ experience in industry working with complex LV and HV installations within Government Services, Military, Acute and Primary Healthcare and Telecom markets.
Prior to KBR, Richard spent 13 years as an Authorising Engineer and an Electrical Project Manager working within multi-megawatt infrastructure and providing independent professional advice on critical and complex infrastructure.
We work direct with clients, FM providers, SPV’s, and PFI’s, supporting and working with new contracts and building a better way of working within existing contracts, building and auditing the performance of better safe systems of work.