Whilst we understand the importance and speed needed in responding to the needs of the COVID-19 pandemic, we also need to make sure the basic principles of fire safety are being maintained. Our IHEEM Fire Safety Technical Platform has produced the following guidance.
An appropriate level of fire safety maintenance is a requirement under law. The IHEEM Fire Safety Technical Platform has considered one of the most essential elements of fire safety, that of fire compartmentation. This comprises the fire compartment walls, floors etc. the fire doors in those walls and also the fire dampers in the ductwork which penetrate those walls and floors. Then an evidence-based, risk assessed approach has been applied to the maintenance of these elements to arrive at a protocol for each. These protocols have been designed to reduce risk to “as low as reasonably practicable” and may be considered as a means to achieving “compliance”.
IHEEM Fire Safety Technical Platform – No.1 Fire Compartmentation
The IHEEM Fire Safety Technical Platform has produced this guidance focusing on Fire Compartmentation and includes; continuing assurance, contractor requirements and annual verification of fire compartmentation.
IHEEM Fire Safety Technical Platform – No 2. Fire Doors
The IHEEM Fire Safety platform has produced this guidance which covers fire and smoke dampers.
IHEEM Fire Safety Technical Platform – No.3 Fire Dampers
The IHEEM Fire Safety Technical Platform has produced this guidance which focuses on Fire Doors, especially the requirement for planned periodic maintenance (PPM).