IHEEM is now providing professional and technical feedback to NHS England and NHS Improvement on the re-development of national efm standards and guidance. The Institute has developed a set of internal protocols that allow the Head Office to commission its Technical Platforms (TPs), via the Technical Platform Committee Chair, to provide detailed comment on draft Health Building Notes (HBNs) and Health Technical Memorandum (HTMs) which will then be uploaded as the Institute’s formal response directly onto the FutureNHS Collaboration Platform.
Pete Sellars, IHEEMs Chief Executive Officer said “This is a unique opportunity for IHEEM to have direct input into the national standards for our profession. As part of our 5 Year Business Plan, we have committed to supporting the Future Standards Working Group in the redevelopment of HBNs and HTMs. We will also be working in partnership with Archus to establish a pipeline of events that will support the wider dissemination and understanding of new and revised technical guidance once it is published. This also aligns to the wider review we are currently undertaking around the future form and function of our Technical Platforms”
IHEEM Technical Platforms are currently responding on a number of draft HBNs as well as supporting the NHSI Estates & Facilities Technical Guidance team on a pre-scoping exercise of the next 10 priority efm topics plus emerging Health Infrastructure Plan priorities.