Yesterday, 05/08/2020, we have been contacted by a number of members who have received the wrong name on their issue of August of HEJ.
Since receiving the first call, we have investigated this issue further and can confirm that this was an issue with the mailing house where an error occurred when merging this to the shipping lists resulting in a number of names in the individual member list to be attached to the wrong address.
All other address fields were unaffected.
The mailing house and STEP Communications have reassured IHEEM that they have found out the error that caused this issue and have rectified it so it doesn’t happen again.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and can confirm that the information IHEEM holds on its members is kept up to date and in line with GDPR regulations.
If you have any further questions or queries about this, please contact IHEEM via office@iheem.org.uk or call the office on 02392 823 186.