1 day
Who is it for?
Anyone requiring an appreciation of steam and condensate systems and factors affecting their operation.
What is it about?
This course provides a broad understanding of the purpose and safe operational requirements of steam and condensate systems.
Course objectives
• Understand the fundamentals of steam and its uses
• Understand why condensate is formed, how and why to remove it and its value
• Know the major components of a steam and condensate system
• Understand how steam gets to the point of use
• Understand the reasons for reducing pressure at the point of use
What is covered
• Steam fundamentals – basic theory
• Production of steam
• Steam traps
• Steam using plant
• Steam distribution good practice
• Pressure reducing valves
• Condensate recovery
• Condensate pumping

City & Guilds Assured Certificate and digital credentials
Format of course
Classroom based with some practical elements where possible