Is this course for you?
This course is for Responsible Persons working within the area of water safety. As well as Legionella, it considers the management of other hazards and risks too.
In addition to the roles and responsibilities for maintaining safe water systems, this course will develop your ability to assess your organisation’s current level of compliance and exposure to risks and give you the knowledge and skills to take action to improve compliance and reduce risks.
Based around the core elements of compliance, the course uses an audit tool based on guidance from the HSE to examine in a practical and structured fashion the requirements to achieve compliance.
To provide an understanding of the importance of managing water hygiene related risks, roles, responsibility and liabilities, and of the use of important techniques such as development of an adequate risk assessment, risk minimisation schemes, monitoring and audit in order to achieve compliance.
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Describe Legionella, its requirements and how to control it.
- Explain how to discharge their roles and responsibilities and the required appointments.
- Describe and explain the legal requirements including the duty to manage Legionella.
- Identify the elements of a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.
- Describe the concept of a suitable written scheme of control.
- Identify the elements of a suitable and sufficient records and monitoring.

Accommodation on-site is available, please contact us for more information.
Please see attached calendar for upcoming course dates. Further dates may be available, please see our website.
Some of our courses can be delivered on-site (for 6 or more people), please contact us for more information.