Course code : NHSPAM
This course is designed to provide clarity on the technical requirements of the NHS Premises Assurance Model (NHS PAM) and the associated documentation. The one day course explores the variety of evidence required to complete the NHS PAM and examines the scoring matrix within the documentation. As set out in the NHS Standard Contract (Service Conditions 17.9), NHS trusts are required to complete the NHS PAM annually which provides boards with improved oversight for the management of estates risks. This course aims to assist NHS Trusts and Estates and Facilities teams in the completion of NHS England’s Premises Assurance Model documentation in an effective and efficient manner, all whilst ensuring that accurate data is compiled and presented for review
Who is the course aimed at?
Our NHS Premises Assurance Model training is ideal for any person who is responsible for NHS Estates and Facilities Services, including; Associate/ Deputy Directors of Estates & Facilities Estates Managers / Officers Authorised Persons Facilities Managers Administrative Support FM Managers of incumbent suppliers Others who may have a requirement for this training, depending on the structure of their Trust or organisation may include; Contract Managers Procurement Managers Compliance Managers Finance Managers
Key Learning Areas
Introduction to the NHS PAM Overview of NHS PAM Documentation Associated assessments (ERIC & PLACE) Detailed step-by-step breakdown of the NHS England Spreadsheet Model 2023 Introduction the NHS England online portal Exercises and completion of the required documentation for NHS PAM Final examination.
York, Slough and On-site
Course Length
This is a 1 Day Course