Is this course for you?
This course is aimed at staff who intend to become quality controllers in a medical gas permit to work system.
It is also suitable for any pharmacist, chemist, engineer or technician with a need for medical gas and vacuum systems knowledge.
Learners will develop an understanding of the role of a quality controller and the duties required.
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Identify hazards of medical gases and the necessary precautions and demonstrate how to work safely with medical gas pipeline systems
- Identify and understand the components which make up a medical gas system to HTM 02-01
- Explain the role of the Quality Controller as stated in HTM 02
- Complete permit to work forms and state the role of the QC in the PTW process
- Carry out safely the testing duties of a quality controller as described in HTM 02
- Identify possible hazardous situations and apply (or recommend) appropriate remedial action
- Recognise design and installation practices as per HTM 02
Related courses
This course provides a good grounding for the ‘Pharmaceutical Medical Gas Testing’ course offered by the University of Leeds School of Continuing Education.
Accommodation on-site is available, please contact us for more information.
Please see attached calendar for upcoming course dates. Further dates may be available, please see our website.
Some of our courses can be delivered on-site (for 6 or more people), please contact us for more information.

NOTES : Price/payment* Any existing promotion is not applicable, please book directly through us.