This course is suitable for those individuals whose work involves the management of in-premise water and the control of waterborne pathogens, including Legionella spp. It enables development of knowledge and skills for effective in-premise hot and cold water system management, risk recognition and data analysis, including review and evaluation of different control measures. Delegates will cover the legal aspects, guidance and best practice in good Legionella control via a broad review of recent publications, which will include “Health & Safety Executive
Legionnaires’ disease. The control of legionella bacteria in water systems Approved Code of Practice and guidance” (ACoP L8, 2013) and “Health & Safety Guidance Legionnaires’ disease Technical guidance” (HSG 274, 2014). The subject matter is a balance of engineering, microbiological and hygienic information.
This 5 day (40 hours) course, which can be delivered within a timescale to best meet the Client needs, is primarily aimed at those already in the position of Deputy Responsible / Authorised Person (Water). It may also be of benefit for those wishing to step into a managerial role where responsibility of water systems is expected, individuals from Health & Safety, Compliance and Water auditors. The course is delivered live (hosted) face-to-face, although members of the Harper Water team may join on-line for all or some of the course depending on availability and Client preference. Course assessment in the form of a 1.5 hour exam test with a >64% pass mark ensures Delegates complete the Responsible Person (Water) Course with the confidence and skills to understand the management of in-premise water and control amplification of waterborne pathogens.
Awareness of HSE ACoP L8, HSG 274 and the Department of Health, Health Technical Memorandum 04-01, Safe
Water in Healthcare (HTM 04-01, 2016) would be an advantage but not essential. The Harper Water Management Group’s “In-Premise Water: Engineering, Microbiological & Hygienic Fundamentals” course is recommended where no recent or previous water system relevant training has been undertaken.
In order to achieve City & Guilds assurance, the entire training course should be selected and delivered by a Harper Water training facilitator, the Delegate must have completed the course and returned a completed exam assessment. The training topics covered during the Responsible Person (Water): Water Safety in the Built Environment course are described below:
Responsible Person (Water): Water Safety in the Built Environment
- Medical and microbiological aspects from the engineering point of view
- Statutory & non-statutory compliance
- Domestic cold and hot water systems
- Cooling towers and other water distribution systems
- Water sampling
- Disinfection of water systems

For more Course Information please visit : https://www.harperwater.com/responsible-person-refresher-water-safety-in-the-built-environment/
To book the selected course please complete the form located below.