The RP (Water) Refresher: Water Safety in the Built Environment course is aimed at Responsible / Authorised and
Deputy Responsible / Authorised people who have previously joined the full Responsible Person (Water): Water Safety in the Built Environment course and wish to refresh and reinforce their knowledge and understanding on hygiene of in-premise water systems, receive updates on new scientific findings, laws, recommendations and best practice. The RP (Water) Refresher course is made up of training sessions offering a total of 8 hours training which can be delivered within a timescale to best meet the Client needs.
During the course attendees are required to complete exercises and present their results. There is no final exam or separate assessment for this RP (Water) Refresher course and the training topics covered are as described below:
RP (Water) Refresher: Water Safety in the Built Environment
- Medical and microbiological aspects from the engineering point of view
- Statutory & non-statutory compliance
- Domestic cold and hot water systems
- Cooling towers and other water distribution systems
- Water sampling
- Disinfection of water systems

For more Course Information please visit :https://www.harperwater.com/competent-person-water-engineering-essentials/
To book the selected course please complete the form located below