Is this course for you?
This course is aimed at staff involved in the safety testing of electrical medical equipment who require an update.
The aim of this course is to provide the underpinning knowledge of current electrical safety, regulations, standards, and best practice when applied during repeatable testing and test after repair of portable Medical Electrical,(ME), equipment.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Identify the inherent hazards of ME equipment and physiological effects of electricity on the human body.
- Explain the different leakage currents and the importance of the classification and type of ME equipment when testing.
- Compare the different methods and sequence of tests applied during electrical safety testing.
- Complete visual inspection and electrical safety testing in accordance with current regulations, standards and supporting manufacturers information on a selection of medical electrical equipment.
Additional information
This course involves performing electrical safety test in accordance to IEC 60601-1/IEC 62353 on various medical equipment commonly encountered in a medical environment.
Related courses
This course will provide the underpinning knowledge and skills to undertake other 3 day and 10-day equipment focused courses in the Eastwood Park medical equipment portfolio.
Accommodation on-site is available, please contact us for more information.
Please see attached calendar for upcoming course dates. Further dates may be available, please see our website. Our Courses – Eastwood Park Training
Some of our courses can be delivered on-site (for 6 or more people), please contact us for more information.

Price/payment* Any existing promotion is not applicable, please book directly through us.
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