IHEEM continues to deliver on its commitment to provide its members access to a wide choice of professional and technical training opportunities through its Knowledge Partnerships. Here the Institute provides further detail on some of the training and upskilling now on offer via the online IHEEM Learning Hub.
As part of the business plan published in early 2020, over the past 6 months the Institute has made some significant progress towards offering support to our members throughout their career journey.
Part of that support involves access to appropriate and quality training opportunities and products to support our membership base and where possible these courses will be accredited or certified as CPD. That is why we are delighted to announce that we now have over 100 appropriate training courses available from our knowledge partners which can be found under the learning hub on the website and viewed here: https://www.iheem.org.uk/learning-hub/training-courses/.
The Institute has successful working relationships with several organisations to be able to deliver and expand on our education and training opportunities to further support our members throughout their career. We recognise and thank these trusted organisations for their support and an overview of each partner, the relationship and what these organisations offer can be read below:

almost a year since the commencement
of the IHEEM-TAHPI partnership on
knowledge sharing, training, and
healthcare guidelines. In this period, four
rounds of training courses on ‘Health
Facility Planning’ have been conducted
online, but in ‘live and interactive’ form.”
Total Alliance Health Partners International (TAHPI) is one of the most prolific authors of International Standards and Guidelines for Healthcare Design customised for different regions of the world. It is the largest developer of software and web-based tools for healthcare Service Planning, Functional Briefing, Supply Capture, Mapping and Equipment Planning for the entire healthcare industry. TAHPI works in partnership with IHEEM to deliver courses including the Health Facility Planning Course and Health Facility Briefing System and have also given IHEEM members access to their set of International Health Facility Guidelines which can be found via the knowledge portal.
Healthcare Facility Planning Course
The Health Facility Planning Course will introduce the specialised aspects of Health Facility Planning. This course is intended for professionals who are already experienced in related industries but lack the specialised knowledge required for healthcare planning design. This course is particularly suited to General Practice Architects and Engineers who wish to be become experienced in the design of Healthcare Facilities. It will also benefit Consultants who have been designing hospitals but without any formal training or correct orientation (effectively learning on the job). The course will also benefit Equipment Planners who frequently engage in the design of healthcare facilities only to accommodate the equipment. They do so without the thorough knowledge of other aspects of Health Facility Planning. This course will provide the strong foundations required to do this task properly. Similarly, this course will benefit Hospital Facilities Managers who carry out their own in-house refurbishments, upgrades and minor extensions.
More information can be found here: https://www.iheem.org.uk/learning-hub/training-courses/health-facility-planning-course/
Healthcare Facility Briefing System
HFBS (Health Facility Briefing System) is the essential toolkit for Healthcare Estate Management Professionals, including Specialist Health Planners, Designers, Capital Project Leaders & Managers.
IHEEM members can join this 2-day course to learn how the tool works, as well as receive a 1-year subscription to the software. IHEEM Members: £495+VAT (includes annual license and training) and IHEEM Non-Members: £795+VAT (includes annual license and training).
Registered users can access comprehensive standards for Health Design and obtain ready-made, editable “Standard Components” including briefs, room data sheets and layout sheets. Users can assemble detailed briefs, specifications and schedules on the web without any software, within a secure environment.
Aladin Niazmand, Director and Trainer at TAHPI said “It is almost a year since the commencement of IHEEM-TAHPI Partnership on knowledge sharing, training, and healthcare guidelines. In this period 4 rounds of training courses on “Health Facility Planning” were conducted online but Live and Interactive. A total of 51 professionals from 5 continents completed the courses over 9 days or 40 hours of intensive, information-rich training. 17 IHEEM members were amongst those who attended these courses including Estate Managers, Healthcare Architects, Engineers, Project Manages and University Researchers. The training sessions also provided a forum for IHEEM members to meet colleagues in similar professions from around the world and to share their experiences. The attendees provided excellent feedback and video testimonials highlighting the benefits of these courses.”
More information on the Healthcare Facility Briefing System, training and dates can be found here: https://www.iheem.org.uk/learning-hub/training-courses/health-facility-briefing-system-hfbs/
Asset Wisdom
Asset Wisdom are a successful partnered learning provider working alongside global organisations, students, and clients to train the next generation of Asset Managers. Founded in 2015, they launched asset wisdom empowerment (awe) online learning modules, giving partners, companies and students immediate access to the latest training and development. The catalyst to their success was their course content gaining recognition with the international quality standard ISO55000 for asset management. They have also gained endorsement by the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) and all their learning is accredited for Continued Professional Development (CPD).

Working in collaboration with IHEEM, Asset Wisdom offers support to IHEEM members and NHS Trusts to achieve their objectives in the development of the Healthcare EFM workforce by offering members training regarding asset management.
We do this by offering two dedicated training courses:
Asset Management Foundation Course –provides you with the basics of Asset Management, as well as concepts, language, and benefits of Asset Management and, potentially, your role within it.
Asset Management Certificate Course – provides you with access to complete this 14-module course which provides detailed insights into the fast-developing discipline of Asset Management.
The interactive courses test your knowledge as you progress. The registration process and log-in are simple, and you have a whole year to complete your learning. On completion, you will automatically receive your awe! certificates and CPD points.
Full information about Asset Wisdoms courses can be found here: https://www.iheem.org.uk/training_tags/asset-wisdom/
Eta Projects

at Eta Projects, said: “Through the
application of the Training Portal we
aim to deliver innovative and forward-thinking training in all areas of Electrical Safety.”
Eta Projects Ltd is an independent firm of Consulting Engineers, providing comprehensive Mechanical and Electrical services to design, manage and deliver your projects. We are specifically focused on sectors where Mechanical and Electrical services are critical to business, such as Healthcare, Telecommunications, Trading Floors, and Printing. Business continuity and sustainability are our key focus. We also provide specialist electrical engineering training and Authorising Engineers (HV/LV) services.
Eta Projects work with IHEEM to deliver courses and training online for Entry, Competent, Authorised Persons specialising in HTM 06 02, HV/LV, and Electrical.
Their courses include:
High Voltage Authorised Person HTM 06-03
High Voltage Authorised Person HTM 06-03 Refresher
Low Voltage Authorised Person HTM 06-02
Low Voltage Authorised Person HTM 06-02 Refresher
High Voltage Authorised Person Substation Access Course
Introduction to Electrical Safety Systems
Low Voltage Competent Person HTM 06-02
Rick Seymour, Director of AE Services at Eta Projects said “Through the application of the Training Portal we aim to deliver innovative and forward-thinking training in all areas of Electrical Safety. We have found that our partnership with IHEEM in this provision has been both beneficial in bringing new client streams to the Business, whilst enhancing our relationship through collaborative working practises.”
You can find more detailed information on Etas courses here: https://www.iheem.org.uk/training_tags/eta-projects/

PPL Training
PPL Training is an industry-leading UK and International provider of Safe Systems of Work, Technical, Legionella and Compliance training. Combined, they have an extensive portfolio of over 80 City & Guilds accredited courses.
Since 2011, they have been delivering courses to over 100 NHS trusts and a wide range of public sector industries, private businesses, institutions, and healthcare estates. Their courses are specifically designed to meet the key competency requirements of Health Technical Memorandums.
PPL works with IHEEM to provide their members with the knowledge, training and experience needed to ensure compliance with HTMs and support them throughout their career. They have over 60 courses available over a wide range of topics that can assist all members progressing throughout their career.
Gary Cooper, Managing Director of PPL Training said, “With competency being a key part of compliance within industry, we are looking forward to a longstanding relationship with IHEEM, which in turn will benefit the NHS Trusts and IHEEM Members. Our courses, and facilities, are based on the requirements of the respective HTM, which ensures our delegates receive factual and up to date training, within a professional learning environment”.
Spirax Sarco
Hospitals in the UK and Ireland continuously strive to provide reliable sterilisation facilities, consistent domestic hot water supplies and effective building services to create the hygienic, comfortable, and well-maintained environment vital to patient care.

With over 60 years of working with the healthcare industry, that’s where Spirax Sarco come in. Ensuring that users, specifiers, maintainers of steam and condensate systems have the support and technical solutions needed to achieve maximum benefit from your plant, stay ahead of their energy challenges, increase operational efficiency and achieve regulatory compliance, Spirax Sarco’s training courses ensures that you have the support needed, now and in the future.
Spirax Sarco works with IHEEM to deliver courses which are relevant to their members including Steam Plant Maintenance; City & Guilds Accredited, Steam Boiler Operation Fundamentals; City & Guilds Accredited. Courses are available at the Spirax Sarco training centre, at customer site with some also available as a remote live classroom delivery through a web platform.
Spirax Sarco has a long association with IHEEM with Chairman of Spirax Sarco Engineering, Lionel Northcroft OBE becoming the first president of IHEEM (1967-1969). The Northcroft Silver Medal is still awarded to the IHEEM member/s having written the Health Estate Journal article considered to have contributed most to the advancement of hospital engineering.
Sally O’Connell, “The opportunity to support IHEEM members through the provision of quality steam training courses is fantastic as Spirax Sarco and IHEEM share a common goal and underpinning values. Our training courses, many of which are City & Guilds accredited, are an ideal opportunity for IHEEM members to develop their skills and knowledge to help them to work safely in support of the healthcare sector. Our former Chairman and first president of IHEEM, Lionel Northcroft, understood the value that training provides in the development and support of individuals and this partnership is testament to this long association with such a well-respected organisation.”
For more information on Spirax Sarcos courses please visit: https://www.iheem.org.uk/training_tags/spirax-sarco/
Immerse Training

Immerse Training specialises in high quality Legionella and water hygiene training delivered at your site by leading industry experts. Allowing you convenience and flexibility to manage your training needs. Their training is delivered to you by our internationally renowned specialists who are also highly experienced and knowledgeable trainers – all IHEEM registered Authorising Engineers (AE) currently operating in healthcare. All courses are City & Guilds accredited and are designed to help individuals improve and maintain healthcare water systems safely and fulfil all legal responsibilities.
They can also offer bespoke courses and a full consultancy service developed to help you fulfil your commitment to water hygiene management.
Steve Mount, IHEEM Registered AE(W) and Director at Immerse Training said ‘the field of Healthcare can be the most high-risk area for Legionella and other waterborne pathogen contamination. People can become ill and die. Management and staff need to be trained to get it right. All Immerse expert trainers work in the healthcare environment and Immerse are proud to be associated with IHEEM, the leading professional engineering healthcare institute in the UK.’
Immerse is working as a Training Partner with IHEEM to support members’ progression throughout their careers. All the experts delivering the training sit on the IHEEM Water Technical Platform.
For more information and to see all 11 courses on offer via the IHEEM website visit: https://www.iheem.org.uk/training_tags/immerse-training/
BESA owns the web-based management system known as SFG20. SFG20 is recognised as the industry standard for building maintenance specifications. It is a web-based service and is the benchmark for working standards; providing building owners, managers, contractors, consultants, and end users with the tools to keep buildings properly maintained and compliant.
IHEEM works with BESA and the SFG20 to offer access to appropriate software solutions designed to support its member organisations in effective delivery of their work and to offer SFG20 to IHEEM members at a heavily discounted preferential rate. IHEEM NHS members will be able to purchase the software for £1000, normally £6000, and all other IHEEM members will receive a 5% reduction to the full cost of the software.
Get in touch with the team today via training@iheem.org.uk and book a no obligation demonstration and discover how SFG20 can save you time, energy and money.
Eastwood Park:

Eastwood Park Training manage and the IHEEM AE(D) competency framework, to provide a formal route for individuals wishing to register as Authorising Engineers in the field of Decontamination. All AE(D)s wishing to register with IHEEM are being assessed under a competency framework developed and agreed with IHEEM and managed by Graham Stanton, Chair of the AE(D) registration board said: “I would like to say that over the years we have developed a very comprehensive education framework in conjunction with Eastwood Park [EWP], which runs the scheme on our behalf. It is a partnership, we developed extensive topics for the framework which will take a candidate around two years to submit and complete. The framework covers many topics such as management skills, guidance and standards, steam systems, sterilization methods, endoscope decontamination, water as used in the processes, report writing, and auditing plus many more technical subjects required for an AE(D) to understand. This framework evolved from the original ACIST course set up in the mid-1990s by David Hurrell. As a board, we are constantly reviewing the subject contents and how it is being delivered for the candidates, this review is carried out using feedback and auditing the candidate’s work with the assessor at EWP. We are very concerned that the candidates who pass through this scheme receive a very broad but comprehensive knowledge base.”
Eastwood Park Training and more information on this course can be found here: https://www.eastwoodparktraining.co.uk/courses/course-categories/decontamination/authorising-engineering-decontamination-competency-framework/
All Knowledge Partners will be supporting the next stage of the developments on the IHEEM Career Route Map by offering all members choice in training, which can be found within the ‘Future Leaders’ section of the website, linking their training as recommended paths to take to help gain the support and knowledge to see them sustainably succeed in their future careers. All mentioned training courses can be found via the learning hub, training, and courses section on the IHEEM website. For any questions or more information regarding the training & courses available or any booking enquiries please contact training@iheem.org.uk or call the office on 02392 823 186.