NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 53RD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Institute will be held on
Wednesday 9th December 2020 at 15:00 GMT virtually, via the WorkCast platform. Stay Alert Measures mean shareholders and members may not attend in person. You are invited to attend and vote via WorkCast.
This meeting is being held to transact the following business:
- To receive the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 8th October 2019.
- To receive a report from the President on the Institutes achievements in the previous year.
- To receive a report from the Chief Executive Officer about the Institutes future.
- To receive and consider the Annual Report and the audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2019.
- To approve the Elections to Council.
- To appoint Auditors and authorise Council to fix their remuneration.
By Order of the Council
Ian Hinitt, President
Register to attend here
Supporting Documents may be found here and will be available to download during the AGM.
NOTES: The Board of Trustees has agreed to follow the government guidance regarding COVID-19 and to hold its AGM with the minimum required to be quorate in person, observing social distancing measures. The event will be held as a live webcast. These are exceptional circumstances and this hybrid form of AGM has been adopted to enable shareholders and members to attend and vote on proposed resolutions by virtual means. Registration will be required before and will be open to IHEEM members only. Copies of the Trustees Report and Financial Statements will be available on the IHEEM website approximately 14 days before the date of the meeting. Please forward any questions you wish addressed during the meeting in advance. If you have any concerns over this please contact to make the institute aware.